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West­ern wrestling team looks to expand

After a stunning reintroduction last year, Jake Crawford, a Western Washington University senior and president of Western’s wrestling team, said the wrestling team is working hard to prepare for the start of their season.
The team now consists of about 15 committed members and is looking to take on twice the amount of competitions as they did last year, according to Crawford. The team’s first competition is Saturday, Nov. 2, at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia. Crawford said there would be teams coming from places like Japan and Europe to compete there.
The team has been practicing since the start of school to prepare for the competition, said Crawford. Other countries would be sending the members of their national team, which will make the team compete at a higher level, Crawford said.
Crawford said he hopes to make it to the National Collegiate Wrestling Association (NCWA) National Championships this year. He said his individual goal this season is to place in the top eight, which would put him on the podium and earn him a medal.
Last year the team placed second at Washington’s state competition and a few members competed at the national tournament, after the team had been inactive since the 1980s, Crawford said.
Crawford is in his senior year at Western but he said he is thinking of staying in school for a couple more quarters to help guide and build the team. Not everyone on the team competes, with some only practicing, he said. The team is open to anyone with wrestling experience and is still looking to expand their numbers.
Students at Western who are interested in joining the team can contact Crawford at (360) 220-1464, or [email protected].
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