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Mar­i­on Wrestlers Par­tic­i­pate in NCWA’s 612 Project

The Marion Military Institute wrestlers are participating in the National Collegiate Wrestling Association's (NCWA) newest initiative, the 612 project. Jim Giunta, President of the NCWA, has challenged the members of the association to participate in a food drive for the Dalton, Georgia needy, the place where the NCWA National Duals Tournament will be held this weekend. "Making a difference for Dalton's needy will hopefully inspire and motivate our athletes in a deeper way than just winning a trophy or medal. The hope for the 612 project is that it will provide opportunity for athletes to visit with one another in deeper topics of conversation than “what’s the latest video game”, or what’s happening on Jersey Shore. Our hope is that NCWA Coach leaders will be mentors that are not afraid to tackle the tough issues that many college students wrestle with in their desire to be accepted and find real meaning in life," Giunta says about the meaning of this initiative. The 612 roject refers to a passage from Ephesian 6:12 and is directed at the spiritual aspect of dealing with hardships and stresses in life. The MMI wrestling team and coaches would like to personally thank everyone who donated cans of food for this event!
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