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Navy Prep wins sec­ond con­sec­u­tive Northeast Conference Championship

The Naval Academy Prepratory School won its' second consecutive conference championships in as many years on Saturday, February 28, 2009.
Led by three straight championships and a runner-up finish at 157, 165, 174 and 197 with Matt Jackson, Jake Schalles, Oscar Huntley and Nick Hylton respectively. Navy Prep squeaked ahead of Northampton Community College by one point to claim the title.
Additional key team points were contributed by Sam Cervantes, Chris Piccolella, and Angelo Lonero at 235, 149 and 165 respectively.
Cervantes injury defaulted to 8th place after going 1-1; Piccolella battled back through the tournament after losing in the semi-finals and finished 3rd; and Lonero went 1-2 on the day but made his victory count with a bonus point earning fall before getting knocked from contention.
Navy Prep will be represented at NCWA Nationals by Chris Piccolella at 149, Matt Jackson at 157, Jake Schalles at 165, Oscar Huntley at 174, and Nick Hylton at 197 in Virginia Beach, VA on March 12-14th.
Congratulations to all of the guys for their hard work and preserverance.
Go Navy!
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