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South­west Con­fer­ence Spot­light: E.Jay Miranda from SHSU

As the Southwest Conference prepares to send its qualifiers to Nationals, let's chat with EJ Miranda who, this year, started the Sam Houston State University wrestling Team. EJ is a 2006 graduate from Brazoswood High School and is currently attending Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas.
Fareed Hawwa: You recently started a wrestling team at Sam Houston State University. What made you decide to do this?
EJ Miranda: Experience. I have hopes of one day coaching a wrestling team. So I figured the best way to prepare for this was to continue my wrestling career in college.
FH: Did you have a lot of support initially?
EJ: The administration was very supportive. And the members on my wrestling team were just as encouraging.
FH: How old were you when you started wrestling?
EJ: 14. I was a freshman in high school.
FH: What would you say is your "Go To" move on the mat?
EJ: I like the duck under. It's a very simple move and it has been very effective for me in many of my matches.
FH: What do you think separates wrestling from other sports?
EJ: I think the individual nature of the sport really separates it from the others. It takes a different type of person to willingly go head to head with an
equally determined person on the mat. Very few activities are more physically and mentally demanding.
And I believe the character you develop and the lessons you learn better prepares you for life and
it's challenges.
FH: Aside from wrestling, what do you like to do in your free time?
EJ: I enjoy home cooked meals and buying cheap stuff on ebay.
FH: What is the one far away place in the world that you absolutely must visit eventually?
EJ: I'm not sure yet. But I would like to go on a cruise. I hear they have free all you can eat buffets that's are open 24 hours a day.
FH: What CD is playing in your car right now?
EJ: My CD player stopped working 3 years ago.
FH: If you could be known for saying one famous quote, what would it be?
EJ: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed..." It's from 2 Corinthians 4:8.
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