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CU LosĀ­es to CSU in Interstate Matchup

CSU continued to dominate club wrestling in Colorado with a 42-9 victory over the Univ. of Colorado on Tuesday night. CU was hindered by 3 forfeits which accounted for 18 of CSU's points, but was only able to come away with 2 victories out of the 8 matches.
At 125, CU's Jesse Kim kept the match close for 2 periods and was only down 8-5 at the beginning of the third, but was unable to stop Jake Meng from scoring 2 3-point near falls and gaining a bonus riding time point. The final score was 15-5.
At 133 pounds, Zach Schiffer was taken down and put on his back in the first period, but overcame the deficit and scored a pin over Aaron Quinlan at 4:40.
T.J. Perna, in his first match on CU's team, wrestled CSU captain Nick Medina and was defeated 10-3 bringing the match score to 7-6 in favor of CSU. But a forfeit at 149 put CU further behind. Jim Marek then wrestlied a hard match against CSU's Larry Todd, who took 5th place at last year's NCWA National Tournament. Jim scorred a takedown and near fall in the second period and rode Todd for the entire third period to pick up the riding time advantage. The final score was 6-0 in favor of Marek.
That was the final victory for CU. At 165 pounds, A.J. Patti defeated Kirby Beegles by technical fall early in the second period. CU's Alex Feinberg lost 8-1 against Scott Wiser. Malcolm Lamprecht, wrestling up a weight class, was pinned by Steve Gerrard at 184 pounds. Bryan Gustavson was beaten by technical fall in the third by Nathan Kimberlan. CU could not field any 235 or HWT wrestlers, so CSU picked up an additional 12 points to finish the match.
A number of exhibition matches were held after the main duel to ensure that wrestlers from each team competed in at least one match. the results are tabulated below.
The duel, held in Boulder, was well attended by fans from both teams and shows that club wrestling is continuing to gather support in Colorado. The next competition for these teams is on Saturday, Feb. 3rd at the 2nd Annual CU Open. The next weekend, both CU and CSU will travel to Wyoming for a duel meet with Utah State and Weber State. The NCWA Southwest Conference Tournament will be hosted by CU on the Boulder Campus on Saturday Feb. 24th.
Match by Match Results:
125- Jake Meng (CSU) maj. dec.Jesse Kim 15-5
133- Zach Schiffer (CU) pin Aaron Quinlan 4:40
141- Nick Medina (CSU) dec. T.J. Perna 10-3
149- Andy Harem (CSU) forf.
157- Jim Marek (CU) dec. Larry Todd 6-0
165- A.J. Patti (CSU) Tech. Kirby Beegles
174- Scott Wiser (CSU) dec. Alex Feinberg 8-1
184- Steve Gerrard (CSU) Fall Malcolm Lamprecht
197- Nathan Kimberlan (CSU) Tech. Bryan Gustavson
235- Ryan Bok (CSU) Forf.
HWT- John Mcgee (CSU) Forf.
Jake Meng (CSU) Fall Max Gardiner
Kelen Hughes (CSU) Fall Sergio Catillo
Aaron Quinlan (CSU) Tech. Jen Brioulette
Joe Olson (CSU) Fall Henry Perlman
Andy Harem (CSU) Tech. T.J. Perna
Jack Baum (CU) Fall Wade Henderson
Scott Wiser (CSU) Fall Brett Mehlman
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