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Grays Har­bor Wrestlers Named to North­west Conference All-Time Team

| Ryan Sparks

Six Grays Harbor wrestlers were named to the National Collegiate Wrestling Association’s All-Time Team, the organization announced last week.

The Chokers have been the dominant program since joining the NCWA Northwest Conference in 2016. Grays Harbor has won the conference title in each of its five seasons and was the NCWA national runner-up with six All-Americans in 2020.

The full list can be viewed at

202122 Wrestling Sea­son Full Speed Ahead


After a year long break due to the pandemic lockdowns, the NCWA 2021-22 season is planned to be at a 100% participation this year. The 2022 Conference Tournaments will be held February 25th with the National Collegiate Wrestling Championships on March 10th, 11th & 12th in Allen, Texas.

At this year's Vision Forum, the Board of Directors cleared a proposal to sponsor both a men's and separate women’s National Duals scheduled for January 21 & 22.

The Men's Championship will be held in Virginia at Liberty University while the Women’s Nationals will be on the West Coast at University of Southern California, along with the Men’s Regional Duals.

Team registrations for the upcoming season are now open and the athlete roster registrations will begin in mid September.

NCWA Sum­mer Vision Forum Announced


The annual NCWA Rules & Coaches Convention gives leaders the opportunity to network, collaborate and build lasting relationships around the sport they all love. All NCWA Coaches, Officials & Leaders are encouraged to attend and to make their voices heard. The NCWA is the most coach centered governing body within the wrestling community and this upcoming Vision Forum is one of the best ways the association can take relevant coaches input and develop comprehensive, wrestling friendly rules, best practices, scheduling and a long term direction. We look forward to hosting you in Dallas this year. We have a limited number of discounted rooms so >>>> REGISTER TODAY <<<< before the rates increase

NCWA Not Spon­sor­ing a 2021 Winter Semester Season


On Sunday December 27th the NCWA Board of Directors met for the third time to determine the outlook for the delayed 2021 Winter Season. After a brief discussion with each conference chairman concerning their respective conference teams ability to participate it was determined that...

2021 Sea­son Outlook

| Jim Giunta

As we move closer to the January Deadline for teams to declare their ability to participate the 2021 wrestling season there are a few points we need to reiterate:
1. Any teams that are currently competing in 2020 are not under the authority of the NCWA and are not held to NCWA rules. This period of time should continue to be treated as pre-season and not subject to use of eligibility nor is any participating school insured by the NCWA.

2. All athletes that compete this in 2020-21 season will not be using any eligibility. This entire season is considered by the NCWA as a redshirt season.

3. We currently have 8 registered Universities with an additional 10 committing to competing in 2021. This number of 18 still falls far short of the 50 teams needed to launch an NCWA wrestling season in 2021

4. The deadline of January 8th for team registration is one month away. We encourage all teams that believe they will be able to compete in 2021 to reach out ASAP to the NCWA to make their intentions known. >>> Email [email protected] to help us reach our 50 team 2021 season threshold.

Amer­i­can Wrestler : Athlete Spotlight

| Jeff McCall

Intro: "Athlete Spotlight" Blog section is a section that has been created as a way to shine light on upcoming, established, and inspiring wrestling athletes. Today we are happy to have Robert H

Wrestling Returns to Campus

| JJ Anderson

After a near four-decade long hiatus, wrestling is back at Linfield.
Freshman Abram Nelson came to Linfield with 14 years of wrestling experience. Although he loved Linfield from day one, he felt like something was missing when he got to campus: a wrestling team. Nelson comes from a family of Linfield alumni, so when he attended football games growing up, he would try to convince former Linfield presidents to begin a wrestling program.
After approaching ASLU with his long sought-after goal, Nelson finally.....

10% of Need­ed Teams Already Reg­is­tered in the First 3 Days

| Scott Farrell

On November 2nd the NCWA opened team registration for the January 2021 season. With the start of this years wrestling season delayed by the covid 19 pandemic the Board of Directors set a threshold of 50 teams, approximately 25% of member institutions, as the minimum required participation level to sponsor a 2021 season. In Just three days 10% of that goal has already been achieved. Executive Director Jim Giunta said "We are encouraged by the quick .....

Team Reg­is­tra­tion now Open

| Chase Giunta

If you are a previous user on the site, please log in and visit your team's page to see what steps are needed in order for your team's registration to be complete. This consists of 3 steps:

  • Uploading of Team Application
  • Payment of a Team's Registration
  • Payment of Coaches Dues

These steps are available to you after logging into the site. If you are a new coach or school administrator to the NCWA, please register by clicking in the top right-hand corner of the site.

Novem­ber 2nd Set For Team Registrations

| Jim Giunta

Beginning on Monday November 2nd NCWA teams will begin registering with a goal to get a minimum of 50 Competition Committed teams before January 1st. The NCWA Board of Directors set January 1st as the deadline to determine if there are enough member schools backing their wrestling programs to begin competition in 2021 and to hold the 2021 National Championships. Coaches are greatly encouraged to register their teams as early as possible beginning that Monday. As soon as...

Lin­field Uni­ver­si­ty Announces Wrestling Pro­grams to Join the NCWA

| Scott Bernard Nelson

McMINNVILLE, ORE. – The Associated Students of Linfield University have approved the creation of a new men’s and women’s wrestling program starting this fall. Linfield will join the Northwest Conference of the National Collegiate Wrestling Association, and begin competition once it is safe to do so. Linfield is an NCAA Division III university....

NCWA Sea­son Begins Jan­u­ary 1st Pend­ing 50 Team Registration

| Jim Giunta

Based upon Board recommendations The NCWA will proceed with the nationals date as published and may make change decisions as we get closer to January 1st 2021, the expected opening of the season. If By January 8th we have a MINIMUM of 50 men’s programs committed through administratively signed team applications and paid dues we will proceed with an NCWA 2020-21 Wrestling season.
On Sept 6th 2020 the NCWA Executive board made the following decisions:

Thay­er brings diverse wrestling styles to Liberty

| Ted Allen

Versatility on the mat is one of Liberty University freshman wrestling recruit Damian Thayer's many strengths.

Damian Thayer Jr. displays his signed letter-of-intent to continue his wrestling career at Liberty, supported by his parents, Josi (left) and Damian, Sr. (right)..

Theyer is a three-time Virginia High School League 6A state qualifier for Cosby High School in Midlothian, Va., where he completed his career with a 138-41 record, Thayer also finished runner-up ....

Appren­tice School Wrestling Announces All Decade Team

| Apprentice SID

Wrestler of the Decade (1)

Marcus Chevres

Marcus Chevres (2008-2012) - Chevres finished his career as the second ever four-time All-American for the Builders. The Norfolk native set the all-time school wins record at the time with 134. In all four seasons "Chevy" never lost more than one bout at the National Championships, finishing 3rd his final two seasons and as the runner-up his first two seasons. He was also named the Apprentice School Co-Athlete of the Year with Men's Basketball Senior Isaiah Harrison.

UCF Senior Ful­fills Dream of Winning National Title

| Taylor Sharpe

Graduation is an accomplishment itself, but one University of Central Florida senior is getting more than a degree as he wraps up his career as a Knight. Clay Perry, a member of the Wrestling Program at UCF, had the opportunity to do what many collegiate athletes only dream of doing: becoming a

Blevins, Vasquez Earn All-Amer­i­can Honors at Toledo

| Mike Driehorst

About midway through the University of Toledo’s 2019-20 wrestling season, just as the team was returning from winter break in January, the team lost use of its off-campus practice facility when it closed.

“It was a real issue finding locations to practice,” said coach Bryan Knepper. “We went from having practices 7:30-9 every night to whenever we could, wherever we could have them. It was a logistical nightmare.”

The Rockets operate as a varsity program, but are funded as a club sport. With a small budget, he and his two assistant coaches are volunteers. After the university dropped the wrestling

Huskies Earn Top Five fin­ish at NCWA National Championships

| Gerry deSimas,Jr.

It was the last big wrestling tournament held before sporting events across the nation were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And the University of Connecticut’s club wrestling team made sure they took advantage. For the second straight year, the Huskies had three

RPI’s Wil­son Wins National Championship

| Mike MacAdam

Chelsea Wilson had just enough time to get in with her best shot. Then she and her RPI wrestling teammates had just enough time to get out.

The sophomore from Menlo Park, California, used an outside sweep single to get control of the leg of her opponent, Allicia Mahoe of Schreiner University in Texas, with 18 seconds left in their match, and Wilson got the takedown and added a point for riding time with seven seconds left to win 6-3 at the Allen Event Center.

This was on Saturday, March 14, as the world was in the process of furiously battening down the hatches against the coronavirus. The National Collegiate Wrestling Association national championships was one of the last sporting events to.....

It’s a Three-Peat Title for Lib­er­ty; Schrein­er Wins Women’s Division

| Scott Farrell

ALLEN, Texas – Liberty tied its own NCWA record with five individual champions, and added three runners-up and a third-place finisher to tie another record with its third consecutive NCWA team championship. The Flames are one of only two teams – Grand Valley State did it from 2006-08 – to win three straight NCWA titles.