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Springfield Technical Community College


University of Connecticut


LBS Winner Result Loser Score/Time
125 Todd Sweeney (STCC) Pin Hayden Lewandoski (UCONN) 1:04
133 Marcus Cavallo (UCONN) Major Decision Justin Muller (STCC) 12-1
141 Martial Sutton (UCONN) Pin Mark Zavatkay Jr (STCC) 1:19
149 Jack Dean (UCONN) Pin Aczel Reyes (STCC) 1:24
157 Justin Barr (STCC) Pin James Dean (UCONN) 00:40
165 Victor Petkov (UCONN) Decision Andrew Pokalsky (STCC) 15-6
174 Ryan Williams (STCC) Pin Ryan Sevigny (UCONN) 1:33
184 Johnny Andre (STCC) Pin Graham Miller (UCONN) 2:01
197 Rahmel Hill (STCC) Pin Robert DeJesus (UCONN) 1:11
235 Parisse Taylor-Williams (STCC) Pin Thomas Paneccasio (UCONN) 2:10
285 Dzevat Kolenovic (STCC) Pin Anthony Berruecos (UCONN) 2:17

Additional Matches

LBS Winner Result Loser Score/Time
125 Thomas Milligan (UCONN) Pin Miguel Delgado (STCC) 1:24
149 Joshua Javillonar (STCC) Pin Chad Gothelf (UCONN) 600
197 Nathan Tracy (STCC) Pin Robert DeJesus (UCONN) 00:45
235 Christopher Perez (STCC) Pin Anthony Berruecos (UCONN) 3:24

Springfield Technical Community College


University of Rhode Island


LBS Winner Result Loser Score/Time
125 Todd Sweeney (STCC) Forfeit
133 Justin Muller (STCC) Forfeit
141 Mark Zavatkay Jr (STCC) Forfeit
149 Aczel Reyes (STCC) Pin Adam Belhaouz (URI) 00:43
157 Justin Barr (STCC) Pin Paolo Montelbano (URI) 2:20
165 Andrew Pokalsky (STCC) Pin Kelvin Glean (URI) 2:26
174 Ryan Williams (STCC) Pin Juan Arregui (URI) 1:52
184 Johnny Andre (STCC) Forfeit
197 Rahmel Hill (STCC) Forfeit
235 Parisse Taylor-Williams (STCC) Pin Aaron Bolduc (URI) 00:28
285 William Randall (URI) Decision Dzevat Kolenovic (STCC) 1-0

Additional Matches

LBS Winner Result Loser Score/Time
125 Thomas Milligan (UCONN) Pin Miguel Delgado (STCC) 00:06
157 Mark Zavatkay Jr (STCC) Pin Rayyan Rashid (UCONN) 00:56
149 Aczel Reyes (STCC) Pin Chad Gothelf (UCONN) 00:30
235 Anthony Berruecos (UCONN) Pin Edgar Hernandez (STCC) 1:25
149 Justin Muller (STCC) Pin Adam Belhaouz (URI) 1:45

University of Connecticut


University of Rhode Island


LBS Winner Result Loser Score/Time
125 Hayden Lewandoski (UCONN) Forfeit
133 Marcus Cavallo (UCONN) Forfeit
141 Martial Sutton (UCONN) Forfeit
149 Jack Dean (UCONN) Pin Adam Belhaouz (URI) 1:10
157 James Dean (UCONN) Pin Paolo Montelbano (URI) 3:10
165 Victor Petkov (UCONN) Technical Fall Kelvin Glean (URI) 21-6
174 Ryan Sevigny (UCONN) Pin Juan Arregui (URI) 00:29
184 Graham Miller (UCONN) Forfeit
197 Robert DeJesus (UCONN) Forfeit
235 Thomas Paneccasio (UCONN) Pin Aaron Bolduc (URI) 1:57
285 William Randall (URI) Pin Anthony Berruecos (UCONN) 00:27

Additional Matches

LBS Winner Result Loser Score/Time
184 Juan Arregui (URI) Pin Graham Miller (UCONN) 1:11
149 Ryan Sevigny (UCONN) Pin Adam Belhaouz (URI) 2:20
149 Chad Gothelf (UCONN) Pin Paolo Montelbano (URI) 2:30
157 Ryan Sevigny (UCONN) Pin Kelvin Glean (URI) 00:56
285 Aaron Bolduc (URI) Pin Robert DeJesus (UCONN) 00:24
285 William Randall (URI) Pin Thomas Paneccasio (UCONN) 00:15